Ethical Guidelines and General Information

Ethical Approvals:
In cases where animals are used in the submitted manuscript, the methods section must clearly indicate approval from the ethics committee of the host institute or organization and should state that all efforts were taken to minimize pain and discomfort to the animal while conducting these experiments.

Ethics of Investigation:
Authors must make sure that the submitted manuscript was designed according to the guidelines of the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 1975, otherwise the manuscript will not be accepted for publication or will be rejected later.

Blind Review:
SPST believes in a fair and rigorous review process. Therefore, all submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least three experts in the appropriate field, determined by the Editor. The names of the reviewers will not be displayed on the manuscript and will not be disclosed to any authors.

Appeal of Decision:
Authors have the right to appeal the Editor’s decision in writing to the Editorial Office stating the reasons for appealing the decision with evidence and supporting data. However, the Editor reserves the right of making the final decision.

It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission either from the publishers or from the authors depending on the copyright ownership if any part (e.g. table or figure) of the submitted manuscript has been taken from previously published work. Proof of permission must be submitted with the manuscript.

Plagiarism Policy:
The Editorial Office strictly monitors fraudulent data and plagiarism prior to the review process. If plagiarism is detected at this stage or later, the manuscript will be rejected and will not be reconsidered in any journals published under the SPST.