Aim and Scope

The Journal will provide a vast range of scope in various aspects of  research in innovative fields of arts and humanities, its understanding and practical applications with new trends of analysis, comparison and interpretation in all fields of  Arts and  Humanities  along with the  contemporary demands and challenges that co-relate with  current sights and situations of research.

 Further will include:

  1. Research in Arts i.e., graphic, interior  and visual arts etc
  2. Research in Religion
  3. Research in Philosophy
  4. Research in Sociology
  5. Research in Psychology
  6. Research in Geography
  7. Research in Law
  8. Research in Political Science
  9. Research in  History
  10. Research in Literature
  11. Research in Civilizations
  12. Research in Globalization
  13. Research in Human Development
  14. Research in Local Languages
  15. Research in Foreign Languages 

    Frequency: Biannual